Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Cellf Portrait

This is an intimate look at the relationship between stargaze, my cellphone and I. It is me, I am it, united at the hip, literally... Only it is from my cell phones point of view. Stargaze is new in my life and it is having some identity issues. My previous cell phone got a lot more attention from me, but then I lost it somewhere on the Manhattan bridge (I think it is in the river now). Stargaze Motherbod( It is suppose to be Stargaze Motherboard, but the banner on the phone only allows 18 letters so I had to cut the "a" and "r" out.) has yet to me crammed full of sounds, music, pictures and videos from my life. This photo essay is the beginning of an infinite look at our relationship, from the close up pores of my human cheek to the invisible radioactive sound waves that bounce off my brain into outer space where me and stargaze travel at the speed of sound together forever and ever.

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